Kau-Criar Project Funding Outlook


Welcome to our review of the impact and growth generated by projects on the Kau-Criar platform throughout 2023. This year has been marked by an inspiring array of initiatives spanning diverse sectors, all powered by the commitment and support of our engaged community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and investors.

Key Indicators

Total Projects Initiated: 

Discover the number of projects that found their beginning on Kau-Criar in 2023. From transformative tech startups to sustainable agricultural ventures, these initiatives reflect the vibrant diversity of ideas and goals within our community. 150 projects initiated in 2023

Total Funds Raised: 

Explore the collective funding efforts that fueled projects on our platform throughout the year. Each pledge and contribution has been vital in driving these entrepreneurial dreams into realities. A total of $5 million was raised for project funding in 2023

Here’s a breakdown of funds obtained by some of our major projects:

  • “InnovateHub” – $500,000 raised
  • “GreenHarvest” – $750,000 raised
  • “EduBoost” – $300,000 raised
  • “EcoCare” – $400,000 raised
  • “MediLink” – $600,000 raised

Project Success Rate: 

80% of initiated projects successfully funded in 2023

Projects in Diverse Sectors

  • Tech: “InnovateHub” – A project revolutionizing tech education for underprivileged youth.
  • Agriculture: “GreenHarvest” – An initiative enhancing sustainable farming practices in rural areas.
  • Education: “EduBoost” – An educational platform providing remote learning opportunities.
  • Environment: “EcoCare” – A project focused on reducing plastic waste in coastal regions.
  • Healthcare: “MediLink” – A healthcare access initiative for underserved communities.

Transforming Ideas into Realities

We’re proud to have witnessed the creation and support of numerous ventures that are making significant strides in their respective sectors. Our collective success lies in the transformation of ideas into impactful, sustainable projects.

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Guinea-Bissau Economic Outlook

Recent macroeconomic and financial developments

Due to inflationary pressures that reduced private spending on the demand side and manufacturing and the primary sector on the supply side, real GDP growth fell to 3.7% in 2022 from 6.4% in 2021. Due to increased costs for imported food and fuels, inflation increased from 3.3% in 2021 to 7.9% in 2022. Due to erratic employment practices, costs associated with impending elections, and temporary steps taken to mitigate the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the budget deficit increased to 6.3% of GDP in 2022 from 5.6% in 2021. Bond sales and grants and loans were used to cover the deficit. The public debt increased from 78.5% in 2021 to more than 80.0% in 2022, raising the risk of overindebtedness. The current account deficit increased from 0.8% of GDP in 2021 to 5.8% of GDP in 2022 as a result of decreasing cashew exports and higher import commodity costs. Aside from one systemic bank with inadequate capital, the financial sector is sound. In June 2022, the percentage of nonperforming loans decreased from 21.8% in 2020 to 14.6%. The epidemic caused poverty to increase from 63.0% in 2019 to 68.4% in 2021. Higher prices in 2022 had an impact on household quality of life as the majority of household income goes toward food.

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